$1,847.00 USD

Don't have a jade egg yet? You will need one for this program. Purchase one here.

Erotic Reclamation Coaching Upgrade Pay In Full

Resolve issues like:

  1. Disconnection from Sexuality: Release shame, guilt, resentment and embarrassment around your body and sexuality. This course provides a safe and supportive space for you to explore your desires, rediscover your sexuality, and learn to embrace and celebrate your unique eroticism.

  2. Difficulty Experiencing Pleasure: The program includes practices and exercises to help you explore your body and learn to experience pleasure in new and exciting ways.

  3. Low Libido: The program provides techniques and tools to help you reconnect with your sexuality and ignite your desire such as the jade egg practice and nervous system re-wiring techniques.

✔️Yes, I understand that I will have lifetime access to all course materials

✔️Yes, I understand that my Life may change in the most magical way!

✔️Yes, I understand that my payment is non-refundable and I choose to fully commit to this process!

✔️Yes, I understand that I am solely responsible for my results in the coaching process, that Tilly is not a medical doctor or certified therapist and is not responsible for my results.