Turn sexual shame & guilt into celebration and confidence!


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If you grew up with negative messages from religion or society about your body and sexuality,

and it’s affecting how you’re showing up sexually like:

✨ You feel terrible after self-pleasuring or masturbating
✨ You want to hide certain parts of your body during sex
✨ You feel sexually shy or embarrassed
✨ You’re hesitant or resistant to try new things sexually
✨ You’re ashamed of your sexual desires or fantasies

Then shame and guilt are keeping you from feeling amazing and confident in your body and sexuality!

In my How to Release Shame and Guilt Destroying Your Sex Life training, you’ll learn:

✨ The difference between sexual repression and sexual expression

✨ My 3 step process to release shame & guilt

✨ How to confidently speak what you want in your sex life and relationship

A little about me:

I grew up in a religion that taught me that sexual desire was something to be ashamed of.

This message kept me from being confident in my body and sexuality.

Until I worked through it, I could only orgasm in 1 way, I only wanted to have sex with the lights off or with a shirt on, and I was extremely shy and embarrassed to try new things in the bedroom.

After working on this for a decade, I can confidently say that

everything you were taught about your body and sexuality is downright WRONG.

Sexuality is actually the portal to the sacred.

If you want to get closer to god, then dive deep into your sexuality.

Let me show you how….

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