008: Tapping into this secret energy source will have any mama crying tears of joy with Meliea Black

Aug 15, 2020

Did you experience a lack of sexual interest after having kids? 

Funny thing is…the more we pay attention to and learn to cultivate our sexual energy, the more energy for the life we actually have!

When we don’t have the energy to do all the mothering and the taking care of ourselves, our bodies naturally draw upon our sexual energy to get this done – kinda like a backup generator leaving us feeling depleted of our life force.


The Taoist energy system gives great insight into what we can do to keep this backup generator - our sexual energy, from being drawn upon so we’re not depleted of that as well.

It teaches us that in order to not drain our sexual energy, we must increase our chi energy by nurturing ourselves: taking time to love, play, create, and care for our spirits.

That’s why in today’s episode, Meliea Black and I talk about how having active and alive sexual energy actually gives you more energy for mothering!

We talk about early motherhood and the physical demands of your body and letting go of ideals and perfectionism. Meliea shares how she is helping women ignite their sensuality through her zen booty yoga classes and her intention seekers box subscription specifically for busy mama’s.

Meliea Black is a speaker, writer, life coach, professional midwife and lover of all things metaphysical. She is a mother of three awesome humans and a cat, Tiger, who owns her sexual agency.


When she isn't leading women to breakthrough through her Intention Seekers coaching subscription box or studying Chakrastrology (tm), she can be found on the cupping table, teaching Zen Booty body-positive twerk yoga, or eating oatmeal in with rose quartz in her bra. She and her family thrive in Charlotte, NC.

Connect with Meliea at www.intentionseekers.com

Lots of love,

Tilly Storm

p.s. Download my free mini-course 5 Days to Epic Pleasure and Passion for High-Achieving Women here.

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