011: Exploding your unconscious blocks to pleasure with April Kline

Aug 15, 2020

If you freeze, shy away from, feel numb or disconnected from pleasure, this episode is for you. 

In episode 11, April Kline and I talk about how we can explode our blocks to pleasure simply by connecting and listening to our bodies.

As a bodyworker, April points out that we are conditioned to stray away from what doesn’t feel good in the body as much as we stray from what does feel good.
We’ve all been taught that our bodies are something to be ashamed of, to fear, to not trust…that the body’s pleasure is sinful even. But in today’s conversation, we explore the alternative view – what if the body is a portal to everything we ever wanted? What if pleasure ultimately leads us to our highest good?
We discuss why it is that we’re terrified of our own multiorgasmic potential and ecstatic nature and how our powerful sexual nature is a threat to society. We discuss why we freeze instead of flow and how completing stress cycles can help us get past our own blocks to pleasure.
April is an intuitive bodyworker with an extensive background in therapeutic massage, Craniosacral Therapy, SomatoEmotional Release, birth trauma release, Therapeutic Touch and Myofascial Release. She has studied with the Upledger Institute, the Ohashi Shiatsu

Institute and is also a Reiki Master and Teacher. April is certified in prenatal massage, newborn and infant massage and is a Certified Professional Midwife and Doula.

She teaches at the Midwives College of Utah in the undergrad and graduate departments and wrote and runs inBalance, a 28-day program that helps people balance their hormones which can help heal their guts, remove brain fog, reduce systemic inflammation, find their ideal weight and regain energy and vitality.
April truly believes that health is wealth. She practices what she preaches by purposefully nourishing herself everyday with healthy food, daily prayer/meditation, regular massage and doing work that she loves.


Peter Levine

Clarissa Pinkola Estes – Women Who Run With the Wolves

You can find and connect with April at: www.aprilkline.com


With so much love,

Lacey Broussard

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