047: How to revive a sexless relationship with Joyce Oladipo

Aug 17, 2020

If you’ve followed me on social media in the last couple of weeks (oh, you’re not? You can do so on my preferred outlet – Instagram @lacey.broussard), you probably got my message asking what you’re most struggling within sexuality and relationships.

And since I hear it all day long, I thought I might as well give you all one big reply on how to revive a sexless or low-sex relationship!

On today’s episode, hear how international sex/love/relationship coach, Joyce Oladipo went from being in a sexless marriage to having an erotic, kinky, intimate fulfilling sex life with her husband in less than 3 years.

Hear her discuss how her vulvodynia and religious conditioning kept her from having sex and what she did to transform this AND her relationship from the brink of divorce.

In this episode, we explore archetypes and the 5 different erotic blueprints that can help you take boring sex or no sex to your next level.
Learn how Joyce’s own sexual empowerment journey ultimately saved her marriage by doing jade egg, and other women’s sexuality programs.
Stream from the web here:

Or catch it on iTunes!

Joyce is an international sex, love and relationship coach for ambitious women who desire to reignite deep satisfying love in their relationship, experience sexual bliss and awaken deep orgasmic pleasure in their body.
She loves, LOVES anything sexuality and is honored to be serving and guiding ambitious women from all over the world through her products, programs, and coaching services rekindling sexual fire, creating strong relationships and living a deeply satisfying life.

Lots of love,

Tilly Storm

p.s. Download my free mini-course 5 Days to Epic Pleasure and Passion for High-Achieving Women here.

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