049: Resolving period pain, hormone imbalances and/or infertility issues naturally with Sara Lopez

Aug 17, 2020

As I’m sitting here wishing my cycle would start so the breast pain will go away, I’m reminded of how many women suffer from much more severe pelvic pain when they’re menstruating and how messed up hormones can affect our desire levels.

That’s why I brought on hormone health coach, Sara Lopez so she could share her wisdom on all things female hormone and cycle-related.

Endometriosis, period pain, hormone imbalances and/or infertility issues? We cover it in this episode!

If you’ve recently come off of birth control, or suffer from period pain, make sure you check out Sara’s super useful self-care tips.

And of course, we go into the more somatic/emotional issues that lead to infertility, period pain, and hormone balancing issues as well. Cause, that’s just how we roll here at The Multiorgasmic Mama!

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Sara Lopez is a Women’s Health Coach with a specialty in heavy periods and adenomyosis. She supports women with these pelvic conditions through her programs “Heavy Period Overhaul”, “Adenomyosis Transformation”, and “Hysterectomy Ease”.

Her mission is to change the outdated system where doctors don’t listen to women who suffer from adenomyosis and heavy periods, and to offer women natural approaches to improving symptoms.


Lots of love,

Tilly Storm

p.s. Download my free mini-course 5 Days to Epic Pleasure and Passion for High-Achieving Women here.

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