065: Here’s what happens when you say YES even when you don’t have the support or money with Casey Aksoy

Aug 19, 2020

Most mornings I wake up around 2 am and think to myself, what in the world would I be doing right now had I not said yes?

Yes to my self.

Yes to my kids.

Yes to my purpose and desires.

And it seriously scares the shit out of me.

For one, I would have NEVER spent 6 weeks having the time of my life in Bali and Mexico this summer learning to surf, spending time with friends in faraway places, working, and downloading the biggest, scariest, most exciting idea of my life!

So instead of getting upset about my interrupted sleep patterns, I just accept the fact that this is the time of day I’m most inspired...and I get up and go to work anyway and usually fall back to sleep around 5 am (they call it the witching hours for a reason!)

But here’s the thing:

When I was presented with the option to fulfill my life’s calling to help women reignite their desire, have the most satisfying sex of their lives, and be a powerful example to their kids that it’s not taboo to be a mama and be a sexual woman too... I was like HELL TO THE F*CK YES! THIS IS WHAT I’M HERE TO DO WITH MY LIFE!

But... I made less than 25k/year and had a mountain of school loan debt already. 

How in the world was I going to pull off forking out over 5 figures in a program that I wanted to do more than anything in the world? 

Well, I didn’t know. And, I didn’t care. I was a full-body YES and I wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

No, I absolutely did NOT have the money.

Yes. I absolutely was a YES!

And here’s what a friend of mine and I learned from this dichotomy:

You have to show up for yourself FIRST before you can experience the universe showing up for you and receiving her support.

The power behind a woman’s yes is insurmountable. Sometimes you just get scared of your own power or forget it.

So today, I wanted to bring on fellow sex/love/relationship coach, Casey Johnson Aksoy, to share with us what happened when she said yes to her sexual awakening and empowerment.

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And how she thought she needed her husband’s permission and support and couldn’t afford it. 

And how that’s just NOT how it works, sister.

Because maybe you’re thinking, “Well sure Lacey, you’re a white privileged woman living in America. And your financial situation couldn’t be worse than mine.”

And I’m going to tell you, NOPE!

I’m sure some of it had to do with my privilege, but my financial situation was NOT any better than yours - promise you. And I said yes anyway.

Because I knew I was worthy of it and there’s no better investment I could make than in myself.

Casey’s story is so powerful because she shares a story that I hear often: about the initial honeymoon phase of her relationship being so wonderful and then, a couple of years later, feeling completely dead inside, sad, and depressed.

Don’t miss her turning point moment and what she ended up doing to turn it all around. 

And how her relationship turned into a real partnership after she said yes!

It will completely surprise you!

Casey Aksoy is a Love Coach dedicated to the healing and reclamation of women’s bodies, sexual identity, and joy. She works with women on building their self-esteem, confidence, and intuition through deep body connection.

She helps her clients to liberate their bodies from the bondage of numbness and disconnection, by teaching them how to tune-in and turn-on their bodies, so they may feel pleasure, passion and desire like never before.

Her desire is for her clients to live from a place of sensuality, sexuality and inner glow, allowing them to experience the power of their full self-expression each and every day.

You can connect with Casey on Instagram @wildsexyfree


Lots of love,

Tilly Storm

p.s. Download my free mini-course 5 Days to Epic Pleasure and Passion for High-Achieving Women here.

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