074: Are you more like roommates than romantic partners? Let’s fix this!
Aug 20, 2020Are you and your partner:
The perfect co-parents?
Great communicators?
Best friends?
Better because of each other?
Totally in love with each other?
But, your sex life is kinda... blah and you feel more like roommates than romantic partners?
That’s because 2 key things are missing in your relationship.
Love alone is not enough for a healthy relationship over time. You gotta have the passion too hot mama.
Listen in to today’s episode to learn the 2 key things you are missing that’s turning the heat down in your relationship and learn my 4 tips to turn your best friend back into your lover.
Stream it from the web here:
Or subscribe and listen on iTunes!
Lots of love,
Tilly Storm
p.s. Download my free mini-course 5 Days to Epic Pleasure and Passion for High-Achieving Women here.
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