086: Are you dependent on your partner for sexual pleasure? 5 Steps to Sexual Sovereignty

Aug 23, 2020

Are you one of those women that never self pleasures because you have a partner?

Or, are you one of those women that seek out partners that aren’t even good for you just because the sex is amazing and you can’t do the same for yourself?

I used to do both! 

I was never taught to self-pleasure - in fact, shamed for it - so I used to choose partners who were good to me in bed even though they weren’t great for me in relationship.

Just because I thought it would make the shame go away if they did it for me and because I didn’t know how to feel the way they made me feel on my own.

When I finally learned how to self-pleasure and meet my own sexual needs, things got, well... more epic.


  1. I released sexual shame and guilt and body image issues on my own through conscious self-pleasure.

  2. I could say NO to big dick energy with the most epic sex ever if he wasn’t showing up how I wanted - I was no longer dependent or addicted based on my childhood wounds.

  3. I freed myself from choosing relationships based on epic sex alone.

  4. I learned my full body YES and my full body NO and have absolutely no problems speaking what I want and like and asking for it when I’m with a partner.

I want this level of sovereignty for every single hot mama on the planet.

Learn my 5 steps to sexual sovereignty here:

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Lots of love,

Tilly Storm

p.s. Download my free mini-course 5 Days to Epic Pleasure and Passion for High-Achieving Women here.

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