097: How to feel worthy and claim your desires: The Pleasure & Prosperity Series Part 2

Aug 24, 2020

This Mother’s Day I’m celebrating being the mom that I set out to be 9 years ago when I lost my job as a city planner for breast-feeding my kid.

That was the moment that I drew a line in the sand and made a commitment that I’d be the mom that shows my kids that it’s possible to live a life doing what I love and making great money doing it.

And this Mother’s Day I absolutely have become that Mom. 

So I’m celebrating Mother’s Day this year in a big way (as you’ll hear about on today’s episode of the podcast). 

And I’m celebrating my own damn self for finally embodying worthiness and claiming my desires.

For having done what it took to live a turned-on life on my terms making BANK doing it.

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Lots of love,

Tilly Storm

p.s. Download my free mini-course 5 Days to Epic Pleasure and Passion for High-Achieving Women here.

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