101: From “what’s wrong with my body?” To reverently adoring it!

Aug 24, 2020

Your relationship with your body is the most important relationship you’ll ever have.

Unfortunately, most women tell me about how unhealthy their relationship with their body really is.

Because of the values and standards, we grew up with that were determined by the powers that be.

But if you really want to heal your relationship with your body,

Each body must dismantle the internal, inherited value system that we were brought up with to truly heal our relationship with our own body.

And this is even more complex and deep and important if you’re BIPOC.

Today, I wanted to give you a couple things to think about when learning how to transition the negative self talk around your body to reverently adoring it!

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Lots of love,

Tilly Storm

p.s. Download my free mini-course 5 Days to Epic Pleasure and Passion for High-Achieving Women here.

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