152: How to release shame & guilt destroying your sex life
May 12, 2021Shame and guilt held me back from expressing my sexuality for decades.
If any of these resonate, this episode is for you:
β You were raised in a religion that shamed, guilted or punished you for your sexual desires
β You were told that masturbating was bad
β You were told that you'd go to hell if you didn't get married
β You feel your desires and fantasies are wrapped up and warped by trauma or negative sexual conditioning
β You don't feel good about what you desire sexually
β You struggle with porn and your use of it
β You’ve experienced sexual trauma and still carry guilt or shame around it
β You don't know how to speak your sexual needs and desires to your lover
β You long to feel your sexuality as sacred
β You want to feel confident fully expressing your sexual self
Do you have a hunch that shame and guilt are destroying your sexy vibe?
Learn my 3 step process to release it in today's episode.
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Lots of love,
Tilly Storm
p.s. Download my free mini-course 5 Days to Epic Pleasure and Passion for High-Achieving Women here.
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