217: Is spirituality killing great sex with Rocky Adams

Sep 01, 2022

Have we “ascended” our way out of great sex?

Have we lost touch with the primate within?

As society opens to more alternative ways of experiencing and expressing spirituality,

As crystals, pulling cards, and feminine embodiment courses become more popular and widely accepted, I’ve been thinking a lot about whether or not women are “ascending” their way out of great sex

With spiritual word salad bypassing happening in more relationships than I care to count…

One has to wonder if all of this spiritual jargon is creating more division and disconnection than not when it comes to our relationships and sex lives.

In this episode, my guest and I, Rocky Adams, discuss:

  • How spirituality is helping us have better sex and relationships
  • How spirituality is killing great sex and relationships
  • The difference between instinct and intuition
  • How to merge the sacred and the sexy and experience more fulfillment in our relationships and sex lives

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Lots of love,


p.s. Download my free mini-course 5 Days to Epic Pleasure and Passion for High-Achieving Women here.

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