223: Conscious conception for high achieving women with Anna the spiritual midwife

Oct 13, 2022

Can you really control your menstrual cycle and whether or not you get pregnant?
What makes a conception “conscious” vs. not?
How can a conscious conception change the pregnancy, birth and postpartum journey?

These are all questions that I asked today’s guest, Anna the spiritual midwife, on The Multiorgsmic Mama podcast.

As someone who got pregnant very easily at a young age, and not very consciously, I’ve been curious to explore the topic of conscious conception more.

And I thought Anna would be the perfect person to bring on to discuss this with me.

I really vibed with Anna when I first discovered her podcast, The Natural Birth podcast, as she’s really into embodiment, feminine energy and is the anecdote to many high achieving women having the natural birth experience they desire. Her feminine spirit is so relaxing and inspiring.

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Lots of love,


p.s. Download my free mini-course 5 Days to Epic Pleasure and Passion for High-Achieving Women here.

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