262: The healers path to a pleasure-filled life with Jessica Valor

Jul 25, 2023

Are you a healer, therapist, or coach wanting to increase your toolbox of practices to support yourself and your own clients in living a more pleasure-filled life?

Join me today as my friend Jessica Valor shares her amazing story of healing from sexual abuse, to being a stripper for 8 years, to becoming a spiritual teacher certifying others in the healing arts with her pleasure as her guide.

Jessica Valor is a Divine Channel, Spiritual Teacher, Visionary Healer, Intuitive Astrologer, Shamanic Sound Alchemist, Ceremonialist, best-selling author, and Founder of The Healer’s Academy™. She delivers her Offerings and programs to thousands every year on the topics of conscious leadership, intuitive intelligence, Energy Medicine, and personal development. 

Jessica is a clear and powerful conduit for High-level Spirits and has been clairvoyant since a small child. She awakened to the strengths of her clairvoyant, healing gifts in 2011 after her own "near-death experience" where she met with a council of Ascended Masters and returned to life to help the world heal and move through ascension.

She helps individuals, entrepreneurs, and organizations connect to their inner wisdom and higher levels of awareness to craft the life or business they truly desire. She loves empowering your intuitive abilities and dream visions, bringing forward your best ideas and desired outcomes. Jessica believes we all have a deep knowing of who we are and what we want - with a little guidance and awakening, we are empowered to THRIVE.

Jessica is currently enrolling for The Healer's AcademyTM now through mid-August 2023. Get in on her First Tier bonuses by August 7, 2023. Learn more at my affiliate link here.

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Lots of love,


p.s. Download my free mini-course 5 Days to Epic Pleasure and Passion for High-Achieving Women here.

p.s.s. Discover ways to work with me here.

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