264: From 'Maybe Tomorrow' to 'Absolutely Tonight': Cracking the Code to Consistent Desire and Connection with your woman

Aug 14, 2023

Welcome to the first episode of my Men’s series! A 3-part series for high achieving men who want to reclaim frequent, passionate sex, rekindle their woman’s desire, and increase the intimacy and connection without the typical guilt, frustration, and compromise.

Are you tired of grappling with feelings of rejection from your partner? Do you find yourself confronted with repetitive excuses, leaving you bewildered about the vanishing spark in your relationship? Have you ever wondered why her interest in intimacy seems to have dwindled?

If you're navigating the disappointment and frustration of diminishing sexual frequency, especially as life's demands grow or you've entered the realm of parenthood...

If you're wrestling with guilt because you're resorting to outlets like porn, Onlyfans, or Instagram for sexual attention – and fearing it might become your sole recourse unless your partner addresses her perceived 'issue'...

If you're sacrificing your sexual desires and preferred frequency to align with what you perceive as acceptable to her...

Join me in this episode as I unpack exactly what’s required to say goodbye to the familiar refrain of "Maybe tomorrow, babe" and unlock the doors to consistent desire and connection instead.

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Lots of love,


p.s. Download my free mini-course 5 Days to Epic Pleasure and Passion for High-Achieving Women here.

p.s.s. Discover ways to work with me here.

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