272: Healing sexual trauma you can not remember

Oct 19, 2023

Ever experienced anxiety when your husband comes up from behind to touch you?

Do you fear or avoid certain people or places but not sure why?

Had any flashbacks or repeated nightmares but you can’t put all the pieces together?

Experienced pain in sex, lack of pleasure, orgasm, or feel uncomfortable and disassociated from your body?

If you’ve experienced any of these along with lack of self worth, eating disorders, chronic pain or health issues, or emotional detachment, it may be because you’ve experienced sexual trauma or abuse you can’t remember.

I know your mind wants to know…you want to be able to recall what happened, know who did it and fix it.

But, for some people, it will come as a relief that you don’t actually need to remember WHAT happened or WHO did it in order to heal it.

Tune in to today’s episode to discover how to heal sexual trauma or abuse you can’t remember.

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Lots of love,


p.s. Download my free mini-course 5 Days to Epic Pleasure and Passion for High-Achieving Women here.

p.s.s. Discover ways to work with me here.

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