308: Fast-Track Your Orgasm with a Blueprint for Quicker Climaxes

Aug 19, 2024

Do you get bored with self-pleasure or sex because it takes too long to reach orgasm?

If you want your orgasms to be easier, more reliable, and quicker, tune into today’s episode where I will:

  • Set your expectations straight about the average time it takes for women to orgasm
  • Show you how to fast-track your way to climax by discovering your unique pleasure blueprint
  • Share the quickest methods to sensitize and prime your body for orgasm

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Lots of love,


p.s. Book your FREE Erotic Language Assessment call here if you're unsure what you want or like sexually, you feel unheard or unseen around your sexual preferences/desires, or if you feel like you're speaking different languages when you communicate about sex with your partner.

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