Ignite Your Desire, Feel Confident & Sexy

Reclaim Your Inner Sex Goddess in 4 Months

Book a call and apply

Hey Mama,

Are you ready to break through every single barrier that is preventing you from a life of pleasure, turn-on, and feeling confident and sexy in your body?  

Right now you are….

✗ Feeling passionless in your sex life 
âś— Lacking boundaries around time and responsibility
✗ Unsure of what you want or like sexually 
✗ Experiencing sexual shame or guilt 
✗ Struggling with asking for what you want 
âś— Faking orgasms or not having them
✗ Frustrated with your body and your partner 


I’ve heard from thousands of women just like you. 

You know deep down that you’re free to be sexual and that you're worthy of a life of pleasure. BUT, the truth is…you don’t likely feel that way in your body. 

You feel limited, stuck, numb, expressionless and left wondering...there's got to be more!

You don’t get real. You perform. You hide who you really are under so many masks YOU DON’T even REALLY KNOW who you are sexually.

You've been to therapy and worked through some things or read some books. But, you still can't shake it off.

That's because you have NOT Embodied pleasure, joy, sensuality, and confidence.

It's still a bit out of reach and feels like a far-off goal that maybe you'll accomplish some day later.

Sex Goddess: 4 Months to Total Freedom in the Bedroom 

is the cure to go from mental, emotional, & physical bondage to 


Using deep embodiment work, modern coaching modalities, nervous system release & re-wire techniques, and the ancient Taoist Jade Egg practice, you'll be able to...


âś” Feel safe being in your body and getting out of your head
✔ Resource into pleasure 
✔ Move stuck and stagnant sexual energy that cause female health issues 
✔ Tap into your wild primal sexual power 
✔ Heal and release from birth and sexual trauma 
âś” Have better orgasms

The Sex Goddess Program is proven to remove all of your blocks to pleasure, turn on, and feeling confident and sexy in your body. 

Yes! It is absolutely possible to have the freedom you desire in a body that you love.

The Sex Goddess Program is about


It's the way to break out of your old survival pattern of over-giving and people-pleasing, and step into your pleasure -- claiming your desires, unapologetically.
It's about truly discovering and knowing who you are as an erotic being from the inside out and owning it.

"Working with Tilly saved my relationship! My sex drive is through the roof! Having a young child, I had lost myself. I am now happy and know who I am and what I want! Before the program, I had never had an orgasm....now I have several different types! Sex is now not only a regular occurrence but is enjoyable and we are experimenting more than ever." 

- Sarah B.

So why should you trust me?

Other than being a VITA certified sex, love and relationship and being voted one of the top 20 sex coaches in the world... I grew up in a very religious home and felt a lot of guilt/shame around my body and sexuality. I ended up marrying my kids’ dad when I was 20 years old, because I thought that would make the shame go away. 

When it came to exploring new things, I felt shut down and could only orgasm in 1 way. I wanted to feel more confident, free and sexy. I hated how I looked after kids even though I was skinny.

After the birth of my first child, I was led on a journey of personal growth, development, and spiritual awakening.

I’d heard about the Jade Egg practice and how it could help you release sexual guilt and shame and help you experience different kinds of orgasms. So, I signed up to take a Jade Egg course. Within 2 months of doing Jade Egg and embodiment practices three days a week, I released all of the negative sexual conditioning that was holding me back! I fell in love with my body and became multiorgasmic.

I then decided that if this was my reality, I could help millions of women achieve the same liberation and freedom. I enrolled in The Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality to become a certified sex/love/relationship coach, jade egg coach, tantric sex coach and men's sexuality coach.

I have set out to empower 1 million women to break out of the pattern of over giving and people pleasing to prioritize their pleasure, ignite their passion and desire, wake up their sexual energy, and embody their confidence.


"I've become multiorgasmic! You just don't know until you know how much better it can be! I felt my husband and I had a pretty healthy sex life. Our kids are little but I wanted things to be better with more connection and mind-blowing sex and orgasms. And that's happened!"

- Breann


Here's how the Sex Goddess Program works: In 14 weeks, you will:


1. Regulate Your Nervous System

Uncover the capacity to feel and experience pleasure, by releasing charge and shock from your body.  

We will → engage in a daily morning pleasure ritual accountability challenge. 

You’ll → release the tendency to escape your problems and become confident to handle them directly.

2. Bond With Your Body and Mind

Take a deep dive into the root issues, preventing you from experiencing your desires. 

We will → use lasering tools to tap into healing and mind + body integration during our group coaching sessions. 

You’ll → let go of old inhibiting patterns and become empowered to create space for and choose a new sexual identity.

3. Get Embodied

Wake up your desire, discover your full body yes/no, and release trauma and conditioning stored in your body. 

We will → practice embodiment, trauma healing, and meditation techniques using the ancient Taoist Jade Egg practice. 

You’ll → stop being a people pleaser and start making your pleasure the priority.

4. Get Sisterhood Support​

Step into your authentic sensual and sexual expression in a safe space with a supportive circle.

We will →  create a community of intentional daily accountability with challenges and rewards.

You’ll →  create lifelong relationships with other women who are also becoming embodied.

The truth is...

Unlocking sexual freedom demands more than quick fixes. It demands YOU take the wheel!

I get it – my repressive upbringing shaped me too. Pleasure was taboo. I learned it was just for men. Even though my mind knew I deserved more, my body didn't agree.

The great thing about old, outdated stories and programming, is that you CAN reprogram your body and mind with a NEW and EMPOWERING story!


Here's Exactly What You'll Get in the Sex Goddess Program:

  • 14 small group coaching calls with me - Tilly ($8,000 value)

  • 14 weeks of 24/7 support from me in-between our sessions via our Marco Polo App ($1,000 value)

  • 10 Pre-recorded teachings from me in the Member Library plus 2 Bonus Trainings for your relationship and sexual health ($2,000 value)

  • Daily Accountability Challenge ($1,000 value)

  • Exclusive Members’ Area Lifetime Access ($2,000 value)

  • 37 exclusive audio-guided practices

  • 100% nephrite jade egg & starter guide ($89 value)

"To say that my orgasms are better and more is an understatement! I'm having the best orgasms and sex of my life! I was able to learn to enjoy all aspects of pleasure and let myself rest and surrender and be still for the first time ever!"

- Veronica

The Content Breakdown


Lesson 1 & 2: PLEASURE!

  •  Discovering your inner yes or no
  •  Self consent
  •  Learning how to speak what you want/desire
  •  The anatomy of arousal and female pleasure
  •  The felt sense and body sensations
  •  The Taoist 3 part energy system
  •  Yin/yang energy as it relates to sexuality
  •  The seasons of pleasure & sexuality


Lesson 3 & 4: HEALING!

  •  Recognizing trauma in your body and how to heal it on your own
  •  De-armoring techniques
  •  How to self regulate, self soothe and resource
  •  Clearing stuck and stagnant energy that lead to female health issues


Lesson 5 & 6: POWER!

  •  Uncovering your desires
  •  The power of your pleasure, body, truth & boundaries
  •  The 3 types of power
  •  Sexual sovereignty
  •  Awakening fire and burning through blocks to full body orgasm and pleasure


Lesson 7 & 8: WILD!

  •  Discovering Sexual wholeness
  •  Playing with sexual archetypes
  •  Choosing a new and empowered sexual identity
  •  Wildness as a full body yes and the key to surrender
  •  Keys for accessing wildness and surrender so you can fully receive pleasure


Lesson 9 & 10: SEXY!

  •  Foundations for sexual/relational thriving
  •  Creating Love/Safety/Belonging in your system
  •  The 8 Holistic Sex Techniques
  •  Discovering your authentic sexual expression and flavor of sexy
  •  Exploring permission and sexual accelerators and brakes

You can expect the following results by the end of the program:

đź’Ą Falling in love with your body and sexuality!

đź’Ą Learning how to experience orgasm in new and exciting ways!

đź’Ą Being able to get out of your head and into your body!

đź’Ą Feeling like you've gotten your mojo and magnetism back!

đź’Ą Knowing what you want and like sexually and confidently asking for it!

đź’Ą Feeling like a whole and happy woman again!


"All the practices including the jade egg, helped me get into my body so I could have a better understanding of what the source of overwhelm was. That gave me the support I needed to have that orgasmic Kundalini awakening."

- Serena

“I’ve never had an orgasm that’s lasted as long as it did! I’m so blown away by it! I didn’t time it, but it must have been several minutes which is unreal! Even my husband was like, “Are you still having an orgasm” even while I was still having it! You can achieve that level of pleasure when you allow yourself to receive.”

- Allison

Ready to take the next step?

Grab your spot and apply to the program.

Limited Spots Available.

Book a call and apply

"I feel whole for the very first time, totally secure in my female sexiness as though it was a true part of me rather than something I have to dress up for or be self-conscious about."

- Suzannah

During the program, I'm going to show you powerful tools and practices to:

✔ Discover your wants and needs and confidently ask for them

✔ Start initiating sex because you actually want it

✔ Feel sexy and become multiorgasmic

✔ Learn to have different types of orgasms in different ways

✔ Learn to orgasm from penetration

✔ Discover your unique path to turn on and how to confidently communicate it to your partner

✔ Begin putting your pleasure and needs first, guilt-free

✔ Establish and enforce boundaries that previously kept you drained

✔ Learn to surrender into your feminine and let your partner lead

"I broke my vibrator dependency! I can now orgasm through penetration!”

- Barb

Impressive, right? But hold on, what’s with the “jade egg” thing? Insert what where?!

If you’re new to hearing about the jade egg practice, you might be thinking, “what IS a Jade Egg” and “how does it help?”

Don't worry, I’ve got you covered on all things Jade Egg – the secret to reclaiming your mojo and unlocking a universe of pleasure.

Imagine this: A smooth, egg-shaped stone, used internally where you do a variety of squeezes, releases, and breathwork practices that help you experience more

đź’•Self love






As a certified Jade Egg coach via VITA Coaching, I’m equipped to guide you safely and effectively.

But hey, it's not just about inserting an egg and hoping for magic. It’s ancient wisdom tailored to modern queens like you:

💫 Release trauma from your body somatically

đź’« Strengthen sensate-focus and vaginal vitality.

đź’« Turn pain or numbness into pleasure.

💫 Awaken reflexology points in your vaginal canal for deep vaginal orgasms too!

You don’t get this by going to your local therapist, promise!


“Last night we finally did full penetration!!!! And no pain!!! I did the jade egg breathing practice during and it really helped me to relax. I am so stoked.”

- Stacy

Unlock Your Path to reclaiming your inner Sex Goddess with 4 Key Elements:

Group Coaching for 14 weeks


Experience somatic and erotic language coaching to reclaim your sensuality, gain confidence and feel like a goddess in the bedroom. In our 1.5-hour sessions, I'll be your guide throughout the Sex Goddess journey. We'll dive into your inner child, reverse engineer what it's really going to take for you to step into your sex goddess identity. We'll discover your masculine/feminine dynamics and see what needs healing.

10 Lessons and weekly Embodiment Practices


Lifetime access to the Sex Goddess Member Library, where you'll get the pleasure education you never got growing up and the embodiment practices you'll never get from your local sex therapist. The embodiment practices include guided self pleasure sessions, jade egg sessions, and mediations and breathwork practices to fully EMBODY all the nice things you tell yourself to be true in your head that your body isn't currently on board with.

Morning Pleasure Ritual Challenge


When you join the program, you'll start working with your nervous system DAILY to remove blocks to pleasure, turn on, and confidence and fill up with pleasure. Getting your desires is more about clearing what's not serving at the unconscious, somatic level than it is about adding things to your plate. You do NOT need a 1.5 hour morning routine! Trust me, 12 mins/day is totally sufficient when you work at the nervous system level!

Sisterhood Accountability & Support:


When you join the program, you'll get an accountability sister who will help you stay on track with your weekly lessons and practices, and where you'll both learn how to show up authentically and vulnerably - making it easier for you to do in the context of your romantic relationship! Between sessions, reach out via Marco Polo (a video app) with updates, questions, or insights. Your chance to receive timely reflections, coaching, and support – essential to keep the fire burning beyond sessions.

"I realized I actually wanted to be submissive in the bedroom and this program helped me own that! My favorite part of the program was the group sessions. They were amazingly beautiful, safe spaces to talk about things I had fear and shame about. And talking about them broke the shame down."

- Alex T.

Don't just take my word for it, hear my clients stories on the podcast:

230: From asexual to sexual - One woman’s journey to igniting desire and having cervical and throat orgasms

229: From labiaplasty and shut down to body love and dating again with Josianne

225: Sex, Psychedelics and Full Body Orgasms with Ami

213: Rebuilding your confidence and mojo after an affair with Alison

212: Overcoming serial monogamy, toxic feminism and learning to love your body with Amy

207: From stuck in her head to blissfully in her body with Michelle

194: Energy sex. How Eve discovered and owned her energetic erotic nature

193: How she got her sexual desire back with Ivy

192: Moving past overwhelm and into pleasure with Serena

186: How to prioritize your pleasure as a mom with Amber

171: You too can have valley orgasms and orgasms through penetration - hear how Barb did it!

170: Break vibrator dependency and learn to surrender sexually with Alex

140: From anxiety and depression to a flourishing relationship once again with Bianca

139: How she turned religious shame and guilt to sexual empowerment and sovereignty with Hanna

138: Shaking off relationship stereotypes and stepping into vulnerability with Alyssa

137: From sexually indifferent to cervically orgasmic with Amira Morrow

123: Confidently self expressed (finally!) with Melanie

122: From sweat pant wearing, overwhelmed single mama to energized, confident and empowered goddess with Carina

121: If a sex coach were president with Shosh and Rick

120: A (heavily) resisted journey to feminine power with Kristen Gary

119: Radical Self Acceptance With Carissa Conner

106: Healing Generational Trauma With Chelita

105: How to Break Free of People Pleasing and Performing In the Bedroom With Lady Godiva

104: From energetically drained and in a sexual rut, to energized and receiving more pleasure than you thought possible with Veronica

95: How to go from numb, disconnected and in a sexual freeze to fully sensually embodied with Irene

93: How the Sensually Embodied Woman Program Changer Her Life

Embrace Your Inner Sex Goddess in Just 4 Months!

Eager to dive in? Claim your spot, submit your application.

Book a call and apply