298: How to Get Unstuck in Your Business By Working on Your Sexuality with Linda

May 23, 2024

If you’re yearning for more pleasure, intimacy, connection, aliveness, or simply to get the “old you” back because you’ve felt stuck for years…today’s episode is going to reveal why diving deep into your sexuality is THE way to blow past your plateau and get unstuck!

On this episode, you’re going to hear how my client Linda she went from:

  • Stuck in her business to unstuck
  • Not feeling much pleasure to experiencing random, full body pleasure even while out running errands
  • Not feeling good enough to owning her worth and taking powerful action in her business
  • Experiencing more intimacy and connection with her husband

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Lots of love,


p.s. Learn more about and apply for Sex Goddess by May 31, 2024 here.

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